Monday, September 8, 2014

08. 25. 2014

Family! There is SO much to tell you! 

So you know how we committed to getting 25 invitations to learn each day? well this week Sister Davis and I accomplished that goal. We invited 25 people and more to learn each day, that is over 175 people. I tell you this not to brag but to show you that by a small and simple means, great miracles were brought to pass this week. 

I am skipping to the end of the week to tell you the highlight. I also believe that this miracle happened at the end of the week for a specific reason, it was brought on by faith. So last Wednesday Carolynn was admitted to the hospital. Her rash turned into open wounds and those wounds became seriously infected. Now don't take this in the wrong way but Sister Davis and I knew that this was an answer to our prayers. Carolynn would be able to get the treatment she needed and her rash would begin to heal. Also remember the promised blessing of that rash healing if she stopped smoking? Well she wouldn't be able to smoke in the hospital. We went and saw her yesterday and the experience still brings me to tears. First off, she looked like a new person! There was light and health in her eyes. She was glowing. As we sat down and were making small talk she just looked at us with a grin and said "you know, it was your prayers that put me here." we all laughed and tears came to my eyes because I truly knew that the Lord was taking care of Carolynn. She then proudly told us that she hadn't had a cigarette since Thursday. That is huge!!! I was a crying mess at this point haha you know me. We were able to read out of Alma 32 with her and the spirit taught us all. She then began to tell us of how she never thought she would be able to overcome her addiction that was keeping her from being baptized. I know that is was the Atonement that healed Carolynn. The Lord came and strengthened her to do that which she never could do alone. and by her small and simple steps of faith she will continue to be able to overcome it completely. For Christ overcame the world and if we abide in Him, we will overcome it too. She will be baptized as soon as her leg heals and she can put it in the water. Carolynn's, mine and sister Davis' faith all grew 10 times yesterday. 

We also were able to go visit Nicole in Rehab. It was so good to see her but it was also hard on my heart. It brought back a lot of memories for me as I am sure you can imagine. My heart just broke for all these people, it was just the brutal reality and testimony that wickedness never is, will, or can be happiness. Nicole is doing good though! She is reading from her Book of Mormon. We were also able to give her friend who is in rehab a Book of Mormon as well. It was so sweet. When we offered it to her she at first said no, and then after some thought she said "well I don't think God would be mad at me for just reading it." She then asked us to sign it and put our information in it so she could stay in contact. When she asked that Nicole said "yeah Rachel, these girls came all the way from Utah, for you!" Nicole was exactly right. The Lord has sent us to be his angels and declare truth to those who sit in darkness. 

We got 11 new investigators this week! So far this transfer we have got 38 new investigators... so it is impossible to keep you completely updated. As sad as it is to say we do find out those who are truly interested and those who are not. Or should I say those you are prepared and those who are not. We have a lot of appointments this week! We are booked and busy and I hope we get busier! I love it! Our job now though is to help get these new investigators progressing. We had zone conference last Wednesday and President Mortensen is really helping and pushing us all to become "Master Teachers" meaning to teach as the Savior teaches (did I already tell you this?) Anyway this includes teaching to help others learn by faith, so not just us talking and them listening. But them talking, us asking questions, all of us discussing and learning together. This is harder than it sounds. It takes a lot of relying on the Spirit for inspired questions and scriptures to come. It is a little overwhelming to be honest. It has made me rethink the way I teach completely. I am glad though, I want to become more like the Savior and the Spirit is so much stronger with this style of teaching. I know that as I practice day by day the Lord will help me become what He needs me to be. 

So another story I will tell you is about Brandon. Brandon is a young man we met while knocking doors. He loves his Bible and he love Jesus Christ. Our first lesson to him he wouldn't take the Book of Mormon. We taught him right out of the scriptures why we need the Book of Mormon, what it does for us, the great apostasy, the foundation of Christ's church. But he just wouldn't open his heart to the Book of Mormon that it could also be the word of God. He is convinced that is teaches some other doctrine or it would be included in the Bible. He let us come back though and we had another good lesson with him. He shared scriptures with us about not teaching any other gospel and was shocked that we were still trying to get him to read the Book of Mormon. We told him that he just needs to read it for himself and find out for himself if it is true. Well this time Brandon took the Book of Mormon. He also made us a promise that if we went to his church service on Wednesday, he would come to ours. We just need to get permission but you better believe we will be doing that! I know if Brandon will open his heart to the Book of Mormon he will see that it is the same doctrine in the Bible, it is just more and it establishes truth on the earth again. 

Well I better wrap this up. haha my time is limited. I just want you to know that I know that this truly is Jesus Christ's church on the earth. Why be a Mormon? its not about the title, its about what you belong too. You belong to Jesus Christ's church. You have the promised blessing of the priesthood. You are baptized with God's authority and you have those saving ordinances with divine validity. You enter the gate and onto the path that leads to eternal life. There is only one path, one way. That way is through Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the way He organized it. Don't ever forget truly what it means to be apart of His Church. It is everything.  

Happy Birthday Mike!!! I can't believe you are 18! I hope you have the best day ever, make this year great! Be great, and do great things! 

I love you all! I am so happy we are all in this together! 


08. 18. 2014

Hey Yall! 

Everytime I start to write my email home and I reflect on my week I am just filled with happiness! Is this normal missionary life?? I mean there have been some hard times and some sad times sure and during those moments I definitely feel them, but I feel like I come to write about the weeks and  all I remember is the joy I feel. I can't say one bad thing about being a missionary or this area that I am in or my companion, or the people, or anything! This must just be a special blessing for you all haha :) 

So the work is moving right along. We are busy and we love it. But we are tired and when 9 pm hits we feel it. I know that the Lord is giving us strength daily because He loves His children so much and He wants this work to move forward. Okay some quick updates. 1. I am definitely dairy sensitive now. When I eat that stuff my stomach goes nuts. 2. Sister Davis and I get to go serve at the Peanut Butter factory this week!!!! YAY!!!!! I will get to take home some of the best PB in the whole world! I wish you could all be here to share it with me! 3. Downtown was so fun! We went to the Galleria, a really really big mall with an ice skating rink inside it. Sister Davis got some real cowgirl boots and you would be so proud of me, I didn't buy anything :) We also went to the aquarium. That was really cool. We saw lots of different fish and some were SO big! We also got to pet stingrays. Oh and get this, they also have a white tiger! Random yes but it was beautiful. It made me sad though, the tiger did not look very happy. So I said a prayer for him. We went and ate at yummy restaurant called Pappasitos. It is Tex Mex and so good. I love Tex Mex. 4. I saw my first tree roach. It was disgusting and huge and I bolted the other way when I saw it. 5. I am the designated driver in the area again so no more relaxing in the car for me, it was a nice experience for like a week. haha Okay enough with the random facts. I want to update you on the people. 

Carolynn's rash is not getting better. She is in so much pain and it just breaks sister Davis and I's heart. During companionship studies though Sister Davis had the impression that we should promise Carolynn if she stopped smoking her rash would heal. As we pondered this impression more it felt good and right. Later that day we went to teach her and we prayed that the Spirit would guide the lesson and speak through us and if we were suppose to promise that blessing to her we would know. I read a scripture to her from Matthew where Christ heals the blind men because their faith in Him. We talked of how through our faith the Lord can and will heal us. Then I felt the Spirit so strongly and Sister Davis extended the promise to Carolynn. I knew the Spirit was the one that was extending the promise and I prayed that Carolynn would recognize it. What came next though was heart breaking. She said she didn't believe it for one second and was frustrated that we kept bugging her about smoking. She then asked us to leave. Like I said it was heart breaking and at first I was mad like "why did you let us say that Heavenly Father? We ruined it!" But before I could even think it I felt the confirmation that we were suppose to say it and extend it and that the promise will still be there for Carolynn. We just need to help her increase her faith and come to that conclusion on her own. We went back a couple days later and had a great lesson on temples. Carolynn also expressed some concerns with the priesthood and baptism, we then recognized what we needed to teach her next. We know a miracle is in the making with Carolynn.

Okay so Nicole is one of our miracles! She was a referral from head quarters. She is 20 years old and is a recovering cocaine addict. She has had a really hard life, her mom has been in and out of jail and so has she. She also has bipolar. She is the sweetest girl though I have ever met and even though I have only known her for a few days I love her like I have known her forever. She came to church with us yesterday and also we went to a young single adult fireside last night. When she was in jail she read the New Testament and it gave her a desire to know Christ and find religion in her life. We asked her how she came in contact with the church, she said "I was walking when two boys on bikes and in white shirts and ties gave me this picture of Jesus. I looked at the number on the back and felt like God was telling me I needed to call it." How special is that? We know that through the Atonement Nicole will be able to find that lasting happiness that she is searching for.

Danny is someone we met while walking around tracting one evening. He actually met with missionaries before and even went to church for about 3 months. For some reason or another he quit going. Danny is an alcoholic and expressed to us his desire of how badly he doesn't want to drink anymore. We are going to see him later this week and give him information on the church's addiction recovery program. We will also teach him more about the Atonement.  

We met Faye a couple weeks ago and she actually had met with missionaries once before. Not yesterday but last Sunday we had the most powerful restoration lesson with her. She recognized the Spirit and when we invited her to be baptized when she came to knew that what we shared was true she said yes! She has a busy work schedule so we will hopefully she her this week!

Okay so Katie Carnowski is the sweetest thing! She was baptized last Saturday on the 9th. Missionaries were teaching her in Conroe and then she moved in with her Grandparents that live in our ward so we got to finish teaching her the lessons and help with her baptism. The baptism was so spiritual! I love baptisms! You can just feel the Spirit so strong when you go. Katies Grandparents also came to the baptism and then to church on Sunday for Katie's confirmation. The miracle of this all is that we were able to ask Katie's grandma Linda if she would be interested in just sitting in on the lessons when we review them with Katie. She said she would love too! So last thursday we went over and had yet again another powerful lesson of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The room was filled with the Spirit as we read the words of Joseph Smiths vision. There was no denying it. During the whole lesson. Linda was taking notes and saying "I believe this!" We gave her a Book of Mormon and had her read the last two paragraphs which invite all men everywhere to read the book and pray and find out for themselves if it is true. After reading that she said " I want to read this book!" We are going back this Thursday and I can hardly stand it! 

So many wonderful things have happened. I wish I had time to tell them all but really my words give it no justice. It is the feeling that I have all day long in my heart. This overwhelming feeling of joy and love. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon. Elder David Bednar said this " The Book of Mormon, a willing heart, and the Holy Ghost- it is really that simple." I can testify that his words are true. I am grateful for a modern day prophet that can receive revelation from God for us. Specifically I am grateful for the revelation of the Word of Wisdom given to Joseph Smith. I have seen the reality of the harmful substances we are to avoid. I know that commandments are given not to keep us from "being free" but to keep us free! This is Jesus Christ church, I know it and I will never deny it. 

I pray that all is well and that the Lord is blessing you all! I miss you! I can't wait to hug you! Keep faithful! 


08. 04. 2014

oh my this week!! Where to begin!

Was it easy to leave the Woodlands? No. I will miss all of those I have met there, they are dear to my heart. The best thing about being a missionary though is knowing you are exactly where you need to be exactly when you need to be there. I think of a quote from an article I have read titled "Becoming Children of Light" by Elder Craig C Christensen in this months ensign (read this talk now)

"remember that your Heavenly Father knows all about you- your strengths and your weaknesses. He knows perfectly who you are, but He also knows who you can become. And with that knowledge, He has place you here, now-at the exact place and time in which you can do the most good with the talents and gifts He has given you." 

How true this is and what comfort this brings to me. So I am serving in the Cypress Creek Ward in the Houston North Stake of Spring, Texas. My new companion is Sister Davis. She is from Logan, Utah. She is just wonderful, there is no other way to describe her. She is laid back, hilarious, and has a desire to work hard and be obedient. Am I ever going to get a bad companion? I doubt it. haha I truly don't even know where to begin to tell you all that has happened this week but I will do my very very best. I just want you to know though that I have no doubt, not a single doubt, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. There is no other way to explain how this week went besides the fact that The Lord Himself did all the work and just put Sister Davis in the spot He needed us, when He needed us there. 

So I think the best way to do this will to tell you of our investigators:

Carolynn. Carolynn is a sweet lady in her 60's who has severe health problems. The Sisters before were teaching her and in her own words she has said that she is "hungering to know more and learn more and she can't get enough" She has been taught most of the lessons. Earlier this week we taught her about tithing and fasting. We went to her home yesterday before church and visited with her. She can't come to church at the moment because she has a horrible rash that is basically eating her skin and she can't sit down without intense pain. So we told her that today was fast Sunday and she stopped us right there and asked if she could fast. We of course told her yes. And then she asked if we could take money to the bishop for fast offerings. I couldn't help but cry. Carolynn has almost nothing but she pulled out her wallet and gave 5 dollars. The Spirit was so strong in the room. She was definitely prepared to hear the message of The Restoration. She has no doubt that it is true. We are currently helping her to try and quit smoking. Pray for her. Pray she can be healed from her rash and pray she can have strength to stop smoking. 

Robby. Where to begin with Robby. So Sister Davis has only met Robbie once. He wasn't really progressing in the gospel. Well Tuesday night when I first got here we got a text from him at like 2 in the morning (no it did not wake me up, I am out cold by 10:30pm) saying that he was coming to church. We were so excited! Well then on Thursday he texted us and asked if we could get him a copy of the Book of Mormon because he couldn't find his. We said sure (DUH!) and that we would bring it to church on Sunday. He told us that He would just go get one because he knew that he needed to read it now. Well Sister Davis and I weren't going to let that opportunity pass and went and took him one even though it was clearly out of our way.I am so thankful that we did because that night we got a text from him saying "I know that the Book of Mormon is true." What if we didn't go? Now Robby knows truth! He later texted us telling us he wanted to bear his testimony at church on Sunday. We didn't see him Sunday but when we texted him he told us that he was there and to have faith because it was working. Yesterday we saw him briefly and he told us that the scripture we read in Alma sounded familiar. Mind you this is the boy who the sisters before stopped going to see because he wasn't reading the Book of Mormon. We still aren't sure exactly on all of Robby's story but we have a feeling he read a good portion of The Book of Mormon that night. Stay tuned for more :)  

The Aguilera Family. So the Aguilera's were less active until a couple of months ago. They are now fully active and we are teaching their kids and preparing them for Baptism. There is Brandon who is 11 and Kiara who is 9 and Yeshua who is 7. They are planning the baptism for October 11th (far away i know) because that is Yeshua's birthday. The kids are the sweetest things in the whole entire world. They are actually having us over on Friday for a combined birthday celebration for Sister Davis and I (Sister Davis' birthday is on August 10th) She is making tres leches...yum! Brother Aguilera is from Honduras and they used to live there so she basically is an amazing cook! She made Horchata the other night and I hate horchata but hers? I couldn't get enough!! That is really besides the point though haha they are a wonderful family.

Zach and Yanelli. So these are our new investigators. Zach was baptized when he was young but he also knows nothing about the church. His mom had him baptized in a handful of different churches. Yanelli is also from Honduras. They have a sweet 2 year old boy named Zachary and are expecting a new baby girl soon. Okay so there story. The Spanish speaking Elders were teaching them and then they passed them to the Sisters. Sister Davis said she saw them once but never really met them. We were going to go visit a less-active and we said a prayer before we left the car. When we looked up Sister Davis was like, wait, I think that is Zach and Yanelli. I of course had no idea who she was talking about but sure enough it was them! So we pulled up and talked to them. They invited us to come back the next day. So yesterday we went back and they are so prepared. We taught them about how God is a loving Heavenly Father and how much The restored gospel will bless their family. We are so excited to teach them. The crazy thing is though we totally would have found them even if we didn't see them that day. Yesterday we found out as we went to go visit a less-active that they had actually moved into their old house! I know the Lord prepared the way for us to meet this sweet family. 

That is all I have time for really. We have other investigators as well, Dimitrie and her 3 kids. Also Jamencia who is 17. My testimony really is that of Nephi's, this is the Lords work and the way is prepared if we just follow the commandments (1 Nephi 3:7)  That is exactly what Sister Davis and I saw all week. I will quickly try to explain. So this area needs a lot of help. Like a lot. There are 119 households who are not active any more. 119. There are so many that we are finding a lot of them have moved and the ward didn't even know it. Doesn't that break your heart? So Sister Davis and I have felt strongly that our purpose here is to strengthen the ward and bring those lost sheep back to the fold. As we focused on this everything just fell into place. We thought that we weren't going to be able to find as many people to teach because of this new focus but of course that is not what the Lord had planned. We found 10 new investigators this week. We have also met a handful of those less active members and have boldly testified of The Book of Mormon to them. And the thing is we laughed and smiled the whole time while doing it! I honestly know that miracles we are seeing though are really because of our desire to be obedient. The nicest way to put this is the last missionaries really didn't have that strong desire to be obedient. Well you know me, my strongest desire is to be obedient and I thought I was going to have troubles when I first got here but nope. I have seen Sister Davis's desire to be obedient come out as well and together we have seen miracles because of it! What a blessing!! 

Anyway this email doesn't do justice to this week. I am not kidding the Lord put us exactly where we needed to be. All day Saturday we were led and we saw a miracle every time we got out of our car. I love being a missionary. There is no greater work, no greater calling. There is nothing more important than sharing this gospel with others! nothing!!

I love you all so much! I am excited for this new chapter of my mission and you should be too, miracles are ahead of us!! 


07. 28. 2014

Alright first things first, I am getting transferred. We knew that was coming though and I honestly am excited. It will be hard to say goodbye to the Woodlands but the best thing ever is I know exactly where I need to be! I will find out tomorrow morning my new area so I wont be able to tell you my address until next Monday, Unless I have a member text you. I will see what I can do! I am off to a new adventure! New people to meet and new lessons to learn! How exciting! 

Okay with the iPads I really don't know all the details. I think it has to be the mini's though, I think it is around 400 and if we can't afford it assistance will be given. That is all I know as of right now. When the time gets closer I am sure I will get more details about that, it will all work out especially because this is the Lord's work :) 

Inviting 25 people a day is amazing. We invited 179 people to learn this cool is that??? We also got 2 new investigators! We are finding more people to teach this way and the miracles are pouring out on us. It is work though, sometimes I get stressed that we aren't going to be able to do it but for the most part it always works out. and of course it does because like I said, this is the Lord's work haha 

Sydnee's baptism was amazing!!! There were over 80 people there! Such a great turn out to all support her. For the opening song we sang The Spirit of Fire and the Spirit was instantly there and instantly strong! There was no denying it. Sister Wahlen and I spoke and you would be so proud, I only teared up a little! :) She glowed and when she came out of the water, just glowed!! I have never seen her look so pretty! You could just see the pure joy that she had radiating through her! Sister Fullmer came to the baptism as well so of course it was one of the best days of my life! haha Sydnee Parker has changed my life forever. I seriously feel so blessed. I will miss the Parkers so much when I leave. I don't know when Ruth will fully just embrace the gospel but I know she will. Especially with Sydnee now being such a wonderful example. It will take time but Ruth is smart and I know that her deepest desire is to just be happy. That is the good news of the gospel, that no matter our circumstance, because of our Savior Jesus Christ, we can have lasting joy. We just need to do our part. 

So I have to share some really sad news. Last week I went from the highest of highs (Sydnee's baptism) to the lowest of lows. We had a lesson with Candace and it just did not go as planned. The member we brought talked the whole time and tried to do a lot of the teaching. This was Sister Wahlen and I's fault, we should have discussed the game plan before. Candace had a lot of concerns and we had no time to really address them. At one point she said she didn't need to be baptized because she already has been. We tried to teach about the Priesthood but like I said, the situation was out of control. By the end of the lesson I left her house in tears. Well Saturday we got a text message that no missionary ever ever ever wants to get. Candace is shared with us that she feels the Book of Mormon is made up. Her and her girls have decided to go another church because Brad and her other boys are against going to our church and they want to go to church together as a family. I was devastated. We told Candace this, luckily we will still get to see her today to say goodbye. That will be hard. So the good news of this all is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and that will never ever change. Sister Wahlen and I fasted yesterday and the Lord gave me a miracle, even if it wasn't the one I wanted, it was the one I needed.

 Our Relief Society lesson was on President Uchtdorf talk "Grateful in any Circumstances" from this last general conference (of course right???) Well like I said I was given the miracle I needed. I realized that I was so preoccupied by the sorrow that I had completely forgotten that Sydnee was getting confirmed and that our investigator Shirley Manson was coming to church! The Spirit was able to quickly teach me. My heart was filled with gratitude and my eyes were opened up to the eternal perspective. Am I pleased with the situation with Candace? NO! I am heart broken! But I know that The Lord is mindful of Candace and I can be grateful for that. I am grateful for that. President Uchtdorf said "in the gospel of Jesus Christ there are no endings, only everlasting beginnings." I know that this is just the everlasting beginning for Candace, Sydnee, Ruth, all the others I have taught in the Woodlands, and for me. Heavenly Fathers and Jesus Christs love for all of us is a constant that will never change and that is why I can be grateful in any circumstance!! 

I am most grateful for my wonderful family :) I read the letters you first gave me when I entered the MTC Saturday night when I was down and I was instantly lifted up. I am grateful for all of you and that you are always on my side. You are all another constant that fills my heart. Thank you for your prayers and support! Stay close to the Lord, He truly is the answer, it is that easy!!


07. 21. 2014

Its Monday once again!!

So much has happened this week! I already apologize because I know my thoughts will be all over the place! I also know that my words will not give the miracles justice but I will do my best! 

So I better begin with interviews with President Mortensen. I can testify that the Lord is very mindful of us all. So I know I sent a letter home about my frustration with numbers and goals so to save myself from embarrassment I wont go into that again but needless to say Heavenly Father knew I was frustrated and down and so what was specialized training all about? Numbers and goals. hahahah I couldn't help but laugh. I am so grateful though because I have a new fire in my heart. President Mortensen fired us all up as he talked about captain Moroni and the example he set for us. Captain Moroni didn't care, he didn't make excuses. He just did what the Lord commanded, he did whatever it took. So we have a standard in the Texas Houston Mission of inviting at least 25 people a day to learn more about the restored gospel. I have always hoped from day one to complete this goal but I will be honest I think I did it once in all of the 6 months I have been out. Well during interview President addressed this standard. He asked "if I told you that one of your family members was going to die if you didn't invite 25 people a day to learn would your number change?" I said yes! duh! he asked how come? Of course I told him because I love you all so much and all of that good stuff. He then boldly made the comparison to how God's family, my family, my brothers and sisters are all out there "spiritually dying" I realized he was right. I felt the spirit burn into my heart and the love for all these people in this mission just grow. He then asked if I would commit to get 25 invitations everyday, no matter what, for the rest of my mission. I of course accepted and then right there BAM! I was changed! 

I have a new fire in my heart and I realized the reality and seriousness of missionary work. Everyone needs this gospel! or they will spiritually die! So Sister Wahlen and I did it. We channeled our inner Moroni and just got it done. It has been amazing to see the miracles that have come out of it! We have gone weeks without new investigators and in the first 2 days of inviting 25 people to learn we had 3! 3!! We have handful of potential investigators too! The greatest thing though is all of our current investigators have progressed more in this week than in the last few! The Lord is pouring out His Spirit on the Texas Houston Mission and showing His missionaries that as we go forward to do the things He has asked (because it wasn't President who asked me to invite 25 people, it was the Lord) He shows us the way He has prepared for us to accomplish it all! So tell me that this hasn't been the best week of my mission!? It has been wonderful!!!!

Candace and her sweet family is back from Hawaii. We had a powerful lesson with them and they are going to work towards baptism on August 21st (Candace and Selena, Alisia, and Mia that is, pray for Brad and Mikey and Joey) We are reading from the Book of Mormon, New Testament, and Old Testament with Candace everyday and texting about it. Also Candace, Alisia and Mia came to church :) The girls LOVED primary! Alisia even said the prayer and volunteered for the prayer next week. Kids are so in tune to the Spirit. It is so beautiful. I love that family with all my heart. 

Sydnee's baptism is tomorrow and that will be a day of PURE JOY!!!!! I wish I could properly describe it. She is so excited. It is just so precious to me....Heavenly Father lets me feel how much He loves Sydnee and how proud He is of her. That is a special special feeling. 

So yes we find out transfers this Sunday....AHHHHH! I am sure I will move. But I will gladly go or stay if that is what the Lord wants. So if you send mail make sure it gets here before Tuesday the 29th just in case!!! 

Well I have written alot and am almost out of time haha I love you all so much. I know that this Gospel is true. This past week we have been so busy and I have truly felt my life being lost in the work, but as the Lord promises and as I said in the title of this email, I am finding a life that is so much better. Keep pressing forward my sweet family! We know the truth and as we live it we will all get to enjoy eternal life together! I am so blessed to have you all! 


07. 14. 2014

Howdy Y'all!

Sister Wahlen and I are just so excited for Sydnee's baptism, it really is all we can think about it haha. We changed the date to Tuesday the 22nd and it is going to be the event of the year for the Woodlands 2nd ward. Truly. The ward has been so wonderful and just poured out their love to Sydnee. Also Sydnee's grandparents are going to fly in from Saint George to be here for the baptism. This is wonderful because the relationship with her grandparents has been strained and for this relationship to start to heal is just another blessing that has come from Sydnee's conversion to the gospel. So the plans are all set and now this week we will just teach Sydnee a few more lessons to help her prepare and count down the days until next Tuesday!

We also were able to have a powerful lesson with June and Nancy. I love those two. Now backing up a bit I need to tell you some background on them sense I don't believe I have yet. So how we found them we felt like we needed to go visit a member who lives by them. We were in our service clothes that day (this was a few weeks ago) and we asked Sister Chowdhury if she knew any of her neighbors that would need some service. She than directed us to June and Nancy. June is Nancy's mom. they are both raising Nancy's grandson Dash. They have truly made the best out of a hard situation. Dash's mom has emotional disorders and isn't allowed to be around Dash alone. So Dash's parents will come and visit but he lives with his grandma and great grandma. Anyway, Nancy is a teacher at the Woodlands High and she has said that she can always tell the kids who are "Mormon" She thinks they are the most wonderful kids and notices the difference in them. She wants that for Dash so she got Dash involved in Scouts a couple years ago. It was just a matter of time before the Lord lead missionaries to this sweet family. That is where we came in. Here and little and there a little the Lord provided a way for us to teach them and we have been able to teach about the restoration and the plan of salvation. The cool thing of this all is that one of the young women in the ward had Nancy has her teacher and at the end of the school year felt inspired to give her a Book of Mormon. that was about the week after we met them. How cool is that? It built my testimony that we truly are all missionaries! The Lord is going to use His servants to move along this work regardless of their age, title, calling. What He looks for is the willing and the faithful.

I was able to spend Saturday in Conroe. It was great to be there! Every area is so different than the Woodlands haha it definitely helps me open my eyes. We had an amazing lesson while there though. We taught an investigator who is having a really hard time forgiving herself. She just can't let go of things that she had no control over. I can't remember the words that were said but I can and will always remember the Spirit that was there. I knew the words I shared were not my own and I felt with all my heart the Lord keeping is promise that if we open our mouths the words will be given to us. This is something that I have really been working on... pausing! Y'all know me, I talk a lot!!! This is a strength but also a weakness because sometimes I talk so much I don't take the time to truly listen to the Spirit. I don't want those we teach to hear my words...they need to hear the Lords! So I have been patiently (or trying to be patiently haha) learning the language of the Spirit and how the Holy Ghost speaks to me. Friday night teaching Jane was a boost of confidence that the Lord gave me. I felt reassured knowing that as I diligently try to learn He will help. He will always help.

Really this week has been a week of learning for me. These last two transfers have been weeks of learning for me haha and I bet that this learning will only continue...actually I hope it continues forever and ever. I never want to stop learning how I can improve and become more.

I have been pondering the past few days of repentance and grace. I think I often fall into the trap of thinking that I have to "work" my way. That is the opposite of grace! We can't "work" our way to Heaven, we need the Savior! For he is the only way. So then what's the point of doing it all? why go to church? keep the commandments? why do it all? I love the way the Brad Wilcox put it "we aren't earning Heaven, we are learning Heaven." and that is Grace. Grace is the way that we show our appreciation for the savior's mercy, for his paying fully the price of justice. The price is already paid for us. It is done. The point is for us to learn how to be like Christ, for us to become perfected through Him so in the end we will be comfortable to be in His presence. That is the why. That is why we keep the commandments and go to church and do it all, it is the way we can practice and learn to become like our Savior Jesus Christ. What an amazing blessing!

AHHHH sometime does your heart just want to burst out of your chest because you are so happy?! Mine does right now.  

Okay so your homework assignment is to read the talk "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. If you have already read it, read it again.

I love you all. This is the Lord's great and marvelous work. Don't forget that, because the minute we start to focus on our hand in it all, what is in it for us, we forget His.


oh p.s. Michelle finally admitted to us that she has decided to go to the Catholic Church. That was hard. But like President Uchtdorf said "We search for truth wherever we may find it." Michelle has decided to search for truth some where else, and as long as she searches for truth she will be lead right back to Jesus Christ's true church, where all the truth is restored, the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Monday, July 7, 2014

07. 07. 2014

Hi family!!!

Okay so I am really really really trying to practice not talking so much. Yes I know, this is basically like having a pig practice flying. But I really want to listen more to the spirit when I teach and my talking kindof gets in the way of that. So this week my email is going to be sweet and simple and I am really going to try and share those moments I had last week that converted me even more.

The biggest one of those moments was Sydnee Parker. So last week I told you that she wanted to wait until December to be baptized. That was heart breaking for Sister Wahlen and I, we just didn't want Sydnee to have to wait to receive all that Heavenly Father has in store for us. So we started to pray. We prayed every day that The Lord would provide Sydnee, whether through us or something else, with a strong spiritual experience that would increase her desire to be baptized. Of course Heavenly Father did just that. We got a text from her last Monday saying something like "I just read that chapter Mosiah 18 that you told me too and it helped me so much!" We couldn't wait to hear all about it. The next day we had a lesson with Sydnee and we discussed Mosiah 18 and what it teaches us about the qualifications for baptism. My heart was on fire, I knew Sydnee was ready to be baptized sooner and I just wanted to blurt that out, but I waited. Then Sydnee said, "I want to be baptized sooner" We asked her about July 26th and if she would pray about it. She said yes. We taught her more and the spirit was with us. We then prayed and Sister Wahlen asked Heavenly Father to help Sydnee know if she should be baptized on the 26th. After the prayer, my heart just felt so calm and warm. Sydnee looked at us and said "July 26th" while shaking her head. My heart lept for joy! After talking to her parents we actually changed the date to July 24th. He family is very excited and supportive. It is truly wonderful. I am the luckiest to get to witness the miracle of conversion.

This last week we also got to meet our new mission president and holy moly I LOVE HIM AND HIS FAMILY!!!!!! As he was introducing himself I couldn't help but feel in my heart that he was sent here at this time just for me. I am so excited to serve with him. He taught us a powerful lesson about covenants and how they bind us to God. Did you know that the Book of Mormon is a covenant? yes it is look in D&C 84:54-57 (I hope that is the right reference) He then reminded us how key the Book of Mormon is, it is everything. No one will ever be converted to the gospel if they do not read the Book of Mormon. No one. As he taught us I couldn't help but review those that we are teaching and to if they were reading the Book of Mormon regularly. Only one was. Sydnee Parker. You see?? That is why Sydnee knows the Church is true, not because of me or Sister Wahlen. It is because of The Book of Mormon and the Spirit she allowed into her heart as she read from those pages. She then was able to recognize that same Spirit at church and youth conference and when Sister Wahlen and I would teach. It came from the Book of Mormon. So what does that teach us if we truly want to be converted? We need to read The Book of Mormon. and not just once in awhile but every single day. I know that is why my heart is being changed. I love that book.

So our 4th of July was without fireworks and barbeque. I made Sister Wahlen go with me to Freddy's because I wasn't going to go with our French fries and a hamburger on the 4th of July! We then went and taught Virginia again. Sister Denton (who served a mission in Salt Lake in the Family History Center) is working of Virginia's genealogy. It is wonderful to see the role that the Spirit of Elijah has played in the progression that Virginia has made so far. We are so excited to teach her more. We know she can't wait to learn about how she can be sealed to her husband. oh by the way she is 85 haha. She is as sharp as ever though! Her grandson Marcus is the most adorable thing you have ever seen as well. He always has his cowboy hat and cowboy boots on. He also has the cutest southern accent. He was our 4th of July entertainment.

I finally became an official missionary, my shoes got a hole in them :) I couldn't be more proud of myself.

I love this work. I just love it. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He lives and I know that with Him on our side we really will have joy in any circumstance. I am becoming deeply converted to the gospel. I never want to stop learning and growing and I am so grateful that I don't have too! You know how I can never get enough Frozen Yogurt? Yeah that's how I feel but times ten about the fruits of the Spirit. I can never get enough of it
